Laws and religions excerpts akin


 We the habitants of conjunct and complex atmosphere (society) pursue with bulk number of rules and regulations as due course during every walk of our life. Though certain of that rules and regulations are predefined and pre-postulated as of religions, were of the others remain as text as like as laws, we hadn’t analysed the reason since, why we all are following a religion? What hidden agenda a religion is commencing with? What is the major intersection did laws and religions have? Here, it would at least otherwise give glimpse that we always took everything for granted without even reasoning why we are with that?

Religions are conceptually formulated and adopted to ensure that we the legitimate claimants of ‘Heaven and Hell’ duly adhere with basic human qualities like discipline, morality, dignity, decorum and harmony preached by its holy thoughts and to clarify that we were conferred with the contented style of living at the instant of acceding its concepts on one hand. On the other hand, laws are identified and executed pragmatically to fulfill the religious concepts which are basically unwritten and to set code of conduct amongst every individual who eventually started breaching the guidelines of the religion day by day when they are with obnoxious modernisation. 

It is also in depiction that our sphere consists of numerous footprints of religions possessing distinct names for identification. But the core expression of all, comprehensively delivers unanimous and unequivocal justification for our livelihood and it would be highly infeasible to govern us even now by the means of the same ethical (religious) postulations. As such the high time have profound ‘Rule of Law’ rather than diversified and multifaceted portrayal of religions, which had commenced with sanctions against the infringers who truncate the Act.  As a matter of fact, Acts and Codes are nothing but numbered guidelines enshrined with the basics of all religions i.e., discipline, morality, dignity, decorum and harmony which paves way to achieve the desire of the concerned ones and constrains them to supply their truth and earnestness between them.     

All religions subscribe the thought of ‘Hell’ to their followers who breach ethics and ‘Heaven’ for embracing ethics, which are all hypothetical in forecasting, for which man made rules and regulations framed as ‘Acts’ and ‘Codes’ to convict the misbehaved invoking the embodied Sections. Hence preaches and postulations of religion that are all affirmed by practice in custom and billed-legislations presented and assented by human beings underlies with the basics of truth and earnestness conveys the same ideology and converge at discipline, morality, dignity, decorum and harmony.             




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