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Towards Unified Modelling of product life-cycles

Swapnil Bhure

NITIE, Mumbai

This article is about how the Unified Modelling Language which is used in the designing of softwares and hardwares is used for a product to study its life-cycle

Product life-Cycle Management (PLM) is a strategic business approach that consistently manages all life-cycle stages of a product, commencing with market requirements through to disposal and recycling. PLM involves a multitude of stake holders (e.g., customers, suppliers, and regulators), who require various levels of detail and representations of information. UML(Unified Modeling Language) used for the computer hardware and software development.UML is good for PLC . A PLM-oriented derivative of UML (PLMUL) has many advantages over other approaches and existing modeling technique.  

Some of them are as follows:

->                     Industries have widely accepted UML-UML can model business processes to ome extent  and underpins various commercial business process planning tools.

->                     The same syntax, that is, the same graphical symbols, can be used across product life-cycle stages. Although a developer only visualizes or modifies a very limited number of views at a time, changes are reflected throughout the entire model, which fosters the consistency of PLM models across lifecycle stages.

->                     UML is an information-rich representation; models can be tested for consistency, analyzed, or translated into other representations.

Product models show, depending on the stage of modeling and the role of the persons involved, various levels of detail. UML attends to this and allows purpose-oriented views, favouring communication between designer, project manager, process planner, client, etc. There are various view mentioned below:

View: conceptualization: function, maintenance, and design constraints               

Use cases specify only what your system is supposed to do, i.e., the system's functional requirements. They do not specify what the system shall not do, i.e., the system's nonfunctional requirements. Nonfunctional requirements often include performance targets and programming languages, etc. In UML actor is represented by stick man who perform some action and the task is represented by oval shape.

View: detailed design; assembly and model Consistency

The emphasis of this view is on the interdependencies of the modules as well as the associations with external on objects. For example, the specification of the power regulator depends on the voltage of the power supply in the targeted market. Modules in the diagram possess functional interfaces through which other objects are :  

View: production, warehousing, and process planning 

The targeted production requires an automatic assembly line, and injection molding machines with an appropriate molding cycle time to meet the production target. 

View: disposal and recycling 

This view demonstrates how associations can be redefined to suit particular modelling needs and at the same time to introduce visually easily identifiable entities. The way a product is reprocessed is indicated by the role of the actor at the right side; the arrow heads allow for an effortless distinction. Throughout this publication, only these links are not part of the original UML definition

 View: market requirements: PLUML and business Processes

The main intent of this view is to demonstrate that a PLUML model can comprise entities used to model business processes and engineering entities. To this end, purposes, objectives, results, and deadlines.

Conclusion and future work 

Product life-cycle management requires a modelling framework showing the associations among the life-cycle stages, business processes, and stake-holders. One of the major challenges of UML modelling is to ensure consistent product life-cycle models with respect to constraints within the model as well as with those imposed from outside, such as by safety regulations or by the market. It is the authors' intention to extend the existing UML to allow constraint management and to further integrate it with conventional engineering tools providing functionalities like CAD and CAM.



G. Thimm, S.G Lee, Y.-S. Ma,"Towards unified modelling of product life-cycles" Received 11 November 2004; accepted 12 September 2005 Available online 28 November 2005