A trace of The Almighty elicited in her benevolence

G.Kalyana Raman


Indian Institute of Information Technology


It is colloquial amongst everyone excerpting about poor and have-nots to their whim. Even, it is harmonious for profound egalitarians to replicate the same. But when it comes to zealous performance in the arena of gloomy (society), will do they take any paramount measure to surmise!? Neither will implicates their awesome belongings to tune the strings of unstuck, because the syndrome concerning about their personal etiquette and appraisal overwhelm the helms of downtrodden. As these major conditions outfit the ambiance, unified character dedicated her belonging (Skeleton) to serve the orphan, poor and destitute. It is none other than the humble global personality of peace and humanity 'Her Holiness Mother Teresa'.

She does all the behest of the so called superpower in the name of mission by a way of wholesale. Though she possessed cross as a caption and ecclesiastical as precise to serve the better to the untouched and uncared ones, the attitude and implementation of secularism glittered all over. It is a due adherence to mention that serving poor, caring for the destitute and crying for the have-nots are the basic nomenclature of The Almighty, an eternal one seek amongst the human beings to adhere with the same utmost.

Whilst a pace called religion and denotation as baptist by her holiness drove the have-nots towards satisfaction of their basic desire of survival in the hapless society. She duly embraced those of the uncared and untouched with due care and love. She professed and upheld their right of being lead by their own philosophy (Religion) and tendency though her mission and partisans do different. She forecasted to world that they do have believes and ambition, they do have the capacity to attain, they do have right to live and admire alas! Fate derived miserable. For which she promulgated harmony of peace as header, which would neither demand denomination (religion) nor purport subset (cast or creed) as prerequisites to sought with and she followed that until her last breath.

Wherefore the symbol of peace, intensity of affection, cares for the have-nots by the white worn and beard (hearty) humble personality Her Holiness Mother Teresa supersedes the ordinary and set herself sacred with that of The Almighty.