Fifth International Conference on Wireless Communications and
Sensor Networks
December 15-19, 2009
Manjari Sahai
MBA-2nd Sem
communication and sensor networks occupy a very important position in creating
the ubiquitous environments that would have profound influence on society. The
wireless communication technologies and devices are fast converging and soon
would allow the creation of a global wireless network that would be the
backbone of variety of ubiquitous services. Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
(WSAN) would influence the world through their pervasive nature in remote
distributed monitoring and control by taking advantage of the developments in
wireless communication, Embedded systems, Semantic web, and Smart surroundings,
etc. Despite its promise, many breakthroughs in power aware designs,
availability of wireless channel bandwidths, etc, are needed to establish
practical methods. To build large and sustainable systems, these energy and
bandwidth constraints present fundamental challenges in developing intelligent,
distributed, collaborative, multi-modal networked objects that sense and act in
wide areas and in unattended environments. The conference tries to spur these
developments by bringing the researchers together to share their research,
experiences and their perceptions. The emphasis is on development and
deployment of meaningful applications.
The conference spread
knowledge all the five days. The details of conference are as under:
15 December
Many papers were
presented by different distinguished professors and scientists on topics like Applications
of Wireless Sensor Networks by Dharma P Agarwal, assisted by Jung Hyun Jun, University
of Cincinnati, US, Basics of Wireless Sensor Networks
& Applications by M Radhakrishna, U S Tiwary, and Shirshu Verma, IIIT, Allahabad. Security in WSNs by Anish Arora,
Ohio State University, US, Wildlife conservation and protection Prabhat Ranjan, IIIT, Ahmedabad.
16 December
presentations on Test bed development by Julie McCann & Poonam
Yadav, Imperial College, UK, Sensor Network Design for Boundary
Detection and Other Applications
Dharma P. Agarwal,
University of Cincinnati, US, End to End WSN application design Anish Arora,
Ohio State University, US, Talk on Sensor networks in coal mines by CMRI, Dhanbad.
17 December
Topics of
discussions and presentations were Tiny OS by Julie McCann & Poonam Yadav, Talk on Broadband
Wireless Technologies – Industrial Applications by Srihari
Narlanka, Honeywell, India Honeywell, Inauguration of
WCSN Keynote by Dharma P Agarwal and talk on Wireless
networks beyond 3D.Invited
Lecture: Anish Arora - Radar based Wireless Sensor Networks.
18 December
There were six
technical sessions held for two days where many papers were presented and
discussions were held with many Professors from all over India and abroad.
Technical Session 1
G K Clustering Approach to Determine Optimal Number
of Clusters for Wireless Sensor Networks , Design of SOA based Service Stack for
Collaborative Wireless Sensor Network , Multi
Hop Multi Anchor Geometrical Computation Based Localization Algorithm for
Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Communication, Strong Law for
Number of Edges on Surface of a unit Sphere, City Traffic Congestion Control in Indian Scenarios using WSN, Agent
based Context Aware Image Fusion for
Military Sensor Networks .
Session 2 –
SENSOR NETWORK, TDRP : An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol using Transmission
Range and Direction for Sensor Networks , An Optimized Lifetime Enhancement
Scheme for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks, Development
of Intelligent Adaptive Alarming System in a Wireless Sensor Network , Improved
Robust Dynamic User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, QoS based Event Delivery for Disaster Monitoring Applications
Technical Session
3 -
Multiple Interleavers for Modified
Turbo Codes, Location Service Based on kth
Order Independent Set , Double Pole Four Throw Switch Design with CMOS Inverter, Distance Measurement and Error Estimation Scheme for
RSSI Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Real time acquisition for vehicle diagnostic using WSN.
19 December
Session 4
LBAA: Level Based Address Auto-Configuration
for Ad Hoc Networks, Design of a Low-Cost Positioning
Framework for Location Aided Energy Efficient Routing, Study of BitTorrent for File
Sharing in Ad Hoc Networks, Cross Layer AODV with Position based Forwarding
based Routing for Mobile Adhoc, Moadrp: Mobile ad-hoc network routing protocol, IMAODV: A Reliable and
Multicast AODV Protocol for MANET.
Session 5
Extended Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization in Nested
Mobile Networks, BER and Energy Level Performance of Layered CDMA Wireless
Sensor Network in Presence of Correlated Interferers, Power Sharing in Wireless
OFDM Systems, Development of GSM-900 Mobile Jammer: an approach to overcome
existing limitations of jammer, A Distributed Cluster based Interference-Traffic
aware CA for MRMC WMN
Session 6
enhancement of starved TCP Flow Through concurrent transmission, A robust estimation of the
performance of various vocoders for a novel
scheduling algorithm in IEEE 802.16e , Improved Cluster Head Election Protocol
(ICHEP) for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.
The Conference provided
more and more scope and topics
for research.