Risk Analysis

Arun Saxena

Assistant Professor, Amity Lucknow

The consensus among security professionals is that there’s no risk situation in which security is perfect. Before designing the organization’s security plan and implementing it, one must first determine risk associated with the employees, the network and the databases of the customer, job and personnel information. The ultimate objective is not  to reduce the risk to zero, but to devise ways to manage risks in a reasonable manner. This process is called risk analysis, determines the threats an organisation faces, what resources are at risk, and what priority should be given to each resource .  Its’s the first step in formulating a security policy, a statement that specifies what defences should be configured to block unauthorised access, how the organisation will respond to attacks, and how employees should safely handle organisation’s resources to prevent loss of data or damage to files.

Because threats change constantly along with technology, determining risks and developing a security policy to manage those risks are ongoing processes,  rather than a one- time operation.

Risk Analysis Factors


Risk is defined as the possibility of damage or loss, so risk is the study of the likelihood damage or loss in a particular situation or environment. In terms of a network connected to the internet, risk analysis should encompass computer hardware and software plus data warehouses–storehouses of valuable customer, job, and personnel information that a company needs to safeguard. 


Following are the factors associated with that are involved in a risk analysis :


Assets in an organisation are the hardware, software and informational resources that the organisations have to protect by developing and implementing a comprehensive security policy. Four type are assets are likely to be protected: