things from small beginnings grow "
gives me immense pleasure as my students unveil the inaugural issue
of B-Cognizance, a monthly e-magazine which intends to meet the
requirements of management and information technology scholars of
India and Abroad. It is an exemplary initiative to enrich this ever-
evolving competitive world, where nothing is constant but change.
first edition is an attempt to present the conflagrant issues of
management and IT in a manner which would evoke readers' interest.
Over the months, I am sure my students will come up with more newfangled
ideas to progressively meet the requirements and expectations of
an ever widening readers.
look forward to keen reader participation in this collective endeavor
of our students, and wish it a grand success in the issues to follow.
The efforts of our young budding students will surely go a long
way in serving the cause of quality education that IIIT strives
to impart.

M. D. Tiwari,
Director, IIIT-A.
<<Issue I : Volume I >>