Drama is a unique tool to explore and express human feelings. It is an essential form of behavior in all the cultures. "Rangtarangini" the Dramatics Club of IIIT-A helps in the development of Acting, directing, and script writing skills.

            To facilitate the drama in the college, Rangtarangini organized another informal event "DRAMATURGY" on 28 August 2011 and the decided venue was Auditorium. Dramaturgy is the art of dramatic composition and the representation of the main elements of drama. The event was all about analyzing the real sense of drama among participants. It was the event to show the confidence, acting skills and spontaneity. A team of 3 members was allowed to participate. The event was divided into two rounds. The first round was shortlisting round in which one player of each team had to act dumb a movie or song and other members of the team had to guess that, 8 teams were shortlisted for the final round. In the final round some themes were given to the teams and they had to make a play on one theme. A certain time was given to each team for making the play. Top 3 teams were awarded on the basis of script of their play, their acting skills and team coordination.

The top 3 winning teams were:

1.     Team NAUTANKI of B.Tech 2nd year

2.     Team WINGS of M.Tech 2nd year

3.     Team PATANAHI of B.Tech 3rd Year

There was a best actor award and which was given to Swati Patel of M.Tech 2nd year, she was the member of Team WINGS.

There were various rounds and quizzes for audiences to showcase their creativity and knowledge of drama.

DRAMATURGY was another successful event organized by dramatics club and great pool of talent was shown in this event.

Abhinav Saxena


MBA 2nd Year