From the Editor's desk

Change is inherent it is intermittent, this time of March is the time when the spring is bidding adieu and the scorching summer tends to knock at the door steps. The view is great and splendid with the lush green grass and trees engulfing the campus. But, also what engulfs is the moment of change the time has arrived when the older ones start winding up and the bastion is handed over to the relatively newer ones.
As the system gets ready to be revitalized by the fresh and vibrant youth of the country we take this opportunity to bring out the spring issue of B-Cognizance which embodies change and after the new exercise is compacter smarter and crispier. This is a new endeavor of the Gen-Next at IIIT which takes a major leap towards bringing out theme based issues in the near future.
This present issue comprises of short and crispy articles to refresh your knowledge on various issues of the economy especially the slowdown's, what's latest in technology and to surprise you we introduce a new concept of institute based surveys on various social and political issues. This we hope would be appreciated by our readers. The look and feel of the magazine is also revamped and would illustrate the quantum of change we actually intend to bring.
Since we are at a transformation stage we look upon you as our best judges and do let us know your views about the change.
Au Revoir!!!   
Happy Reading!!!
The Editors 
Akanksha Singh
Ankur Luthra.

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