From dawns to dusks
For needs to lusts
We toil like mads
And gather fads
Minds overload
Turbulence abode
For more and more
Our sweetness we sour
The beauty we shed
For what..??? We head
We lack our peace
Cause else has cheese
We leave our loaves
To steal the shows
With window masks
Camouflaging darks
Ourselves we slave
Consequences so grave
A web we knit
So hard to quit

Pause a little
Think a while
Break the web
And calm the tide
Free yourself
Live as you
Put off the mask
And you are the you
Enjoy the freedom
Sense the light
Breathe a deep
And relish delight
Soak in the sun
Or drench in the rain
It is saintly
And not insane
The sky is yours
To fly so high
The moon for you
To take a sigh
The nature’s treasure
All for free
Don the riches
Belong to thee