Tobacco has become a leading cause of destruction and loss to families. Many teenagers and youngsters take it as a mark of status. Although all the tobacco products equally harms the society and the individuals, but smoking is one such activity which is not only destroying the doer but also the near ones. The number of smokers is growing at a faster rate every year. The teens are seen to be irresistible towards it. The educated class is more involved in this. Highly qualified and well educated people if will do such activities, then what else can be expected from the illiterate ones?
It is fine if you do something that harms you; it’s solely depends on your wish. But by this it is not only you who is getting affected. The second hand smoke is affecting the surroundings too. The health effects of smoking are destructive and in most of the cases deadly. From the functioning of internal organs to the efficiency of the body’s immune system, all is affected. The lungs are filled with tar, from which the road is made. The naphthalene has an equal share in the blood of a human.
The harm caused by these all is well known to everybody still it is practiced. Why don’t the government and the companies producing stop this if they know the after effects? They themselves put the warning on the packets. Before every movie in theatres the advertisement is shown, but the people take it also as a part of enjoyment. It is highly ridiculous to see the warning and still people buying it for them. Are the people blind who purchase it? Do they have urge to destroy them and their families? If they have, then better destroy their lives, spare the other innocent ones. Studies predict that the second hand smoke is equally contributing to the patients of lung cancer. And not only lungs, the intake may destroy other parts too.
Everything starts from home. A father has no right to smoke in front of his child and let him intake the contents of a toilet cleaner. A man has no right to do such low class things in front of his wife as a mark of class, and where a wife can’t even utter a word against her man. She has to unwillingly smile in the black world too. The practical and the real world activities are breath taking and worth thinking. A father smokes beside his child all the time and is healthy, but the child gets the chronic disease because his immunity is not that strong. What is the fault of the child here? A man himself drowned in the smoky world and searches for a smokeless groom for his daughter …. Is this correct? This shows the level of cheapness and shamelessness people have. If the son starts smoking, then too they have a problem.
Recently at a road side tea stall it was seen that a father was smoking and was giving the same stick to his young child. The father was happy seeing his child in fumes. This was so shameful. Inspite of so much education, people are not concerned. Why don’t they understand? Well its mere their own level of thinking and understanding.
For all those who smoke, think about this. If so much awareness can’t stop you then go ahead and destroy yourself. But atleast think about the ones behind. Don’t let the family go for a toss. For the rest, take the initiative to stop these activities. Start from your own surroundings; educate people for your own good. Let us save others who don’t even know about it. Let them live with ease. This issue is not considered to be as a social problem but still I found it more important as compared to others. I wrote whatever I felt practically in my own life. The request is simply to stop it now and make the place smoke free.

IIIT Allahabad