October - December 2006 Vol 2 Issue 11
Brainwave      Insight      Technova      Perspective      X'Pressions     



“Empty mind is a devil’s workshop” is an infamous proverb but is as true for a person who gets infected with the syndrome of emptiness and nonsatiation of one’s own self. So a question arises ‘Are we really happy, satisfied and content in the present scenario of high profile , technical and mechanic mode of life?’ Our living standards have raised to the E-living where there’s no scope to the values , society and time for each other , so do we live up to the standards of a healthy, evolving life? The answers for the above lies in us, the ways we choose, which paves path to a serene and peaceful state of mind. Ultimately one must shift his conscious in the direction of peace and goodwill to align with the higher principles of compassion and wisdom and the value and equality of all life. Peace and goodwill can be attained when one attunes himself towards the power of prayer and intention (that is present in every one) which charges a person spiritually towards the goal of exclusive serenity and peacefully aligned state of mind .For “The spiritual path is the inner way of mystic tradition- our teacher lies within”, spirituality is that internal state of mind which keeps track of all the pain and pleasure, thus providing us with the sophisticated balance of mind.

At times we experience happiness and grief at the same moment but it’s that spiritually motivated mental state that carves a balance between these two contradictory feelings. While science gets us physical comforts, spirituality brings us mental calm, and one must be compassionate to avoid tensions in life. In today’s fast changing, materialistic and scientific world one needs to consider and care for his/her inner feelings or else we will become like machines and lose many precious feelings. So it’s spirituality that contributes to a rejuvenated state of mind which helps a person to stay calm, happy and fight against all odds of life in toughest situations. Even the medical science have begun to realize and accept that the mental element –KARUNA is very important for health, happiness and success, hence spirituality is not only religious element of faith in god but it’s the fiduciary relationship between one’s own self- mind and soul. Now to believe or not to believe in the doctrine of spirituality is totally an individual’s choice but once you find out the reality through investigation you must tend to accept the absolute need of spiritualism in your life. No one in the world can help the humanity to bring in peace of mind, body and soul but it’s We ourselves , who are responsible to plunge into the vast pool of spirituality and make other’s take a dip too, so as to invoke the light of god and bring in purity of mind and a peaceful life.

by Richa Johri, M.S. CLIS (Ist Sem), IIITA.