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IIITA's e-Magazine |
Oct-Dec 2007 Vol 4 Issue 15 |
Insight |
How to Recruit your New Employer? |
by RK
Pre Placement Mentor Trainer and Recruitment Consultant
That is a new paradigm making a world of difference between a job and right job. When the TV promos show that one can get offers and appointment letter using Internet on Mobile , the Telecom company is doing more damage to it business of being credible than selling more mobile connection. We all know that ASCI (Advertising Standard Council of India) www.ascionline.org/ is a redundant body of no consequence. That is a different debate for some other day.
The only tool for a job search is to rely on no one but oneself alone... Understand the fine cognitive science of being able to read the Recruiter’s mind and his anxieties. If only job search was as easy as posting CV on the Internet Message Boards, guess there would be no attrition or unemployment or the job movement. The first act one should understand is the dynamics of the Job market
1. That recruiters need more than the candidates need the jobs
2. The best of the candidate does NOT apply
3. That CVs hide more than they reveal
4. That HR Dept are NOT the decision makers. Avoid them as much possible
5. HR Depts are always inundated with CV and your one could also be possible there lost and junked more often into the delete folder.
6. Never be a CV pusher. Just by spelling Hari Sadu one will never get the job offer.
Then what to do?
In the new knowledge economy and is a different evolving time where geographical boundaries have just melted, newer and newer opportunities are emerging. Just anywhere. One needs to have a game plan with a career roadmap first... Maybe those milestones will come in different format like serendipity but new challenges will come when the journey starts.. Excellent career does not come when there is no roadmap. Like there is business life cycle or the Product life cycle, there is a career life cycle also. Career life cycle is to ensure the growth path is of not mere compensation but different function and roles. Being able to balance with family life also. One needs to challenge oneself more often to explore and test waters. What the prospective Recruiter is not just interested in the previous experience alone but how high is the learnable index that the candidate can absorb into the main team. The prospective recruiter needs to know what game plan you have to benefit or profit them. They always would ask question and would like to know who the competitors of the prospective Recruiters are doing what ? You macro understanding of the Industry is more important than the subjects studies.
Yes who does not want a job in the best Lehman or the Goldman Sachs. But how many have visited beyond the home page of the web site of the prospective recruiters. It is stupid to go to the career section of the prospective recruiters to push another CV. But one should know the clients and the vertical segment of the Lehman. See the white paper of the technology and solutions deployed. Then use the Google alert ( not the vanilla search engine) to use the key words of the prospective recruiter and the technology or the business domains. Use it with some specific country also . Then every day , the mail box will be receiving the digest form of the information from the world across news and the blogs. Like I get about the best of Veterinary practices from Canada and about the Animation from Lucas Film . And it is all free also.
Learn the fine art of sifting the information overload into knowledge. Just pick those web links and post it on your online profile and blogs. Highlight the part that you find it relevant. Just make a small para of your comments and understanding in that realm. Two things will happen for sure. Your learning and understanding will for sure get internalised and when you share on the online blog, which would make all those visiting your link , identify you as a person of knowledge and competence. In the small corner will be the resume which for sure the curious person will always explore and understand you better. The prospective visitor to your blog will never be the person from HR Dept but the Line function person. He is the decision maker and would be a catalyst to your career path to share information about competent experts being around. He can become the insider for you in his organisation.
That apart always remains active in the various discussion forums to make posting. When your blog link is left in the public domain in Internet , it leaves a footprint for the best of the talents to get connected to you. Who know where the best of the prospective recruiter could possibly be existing . Well that is the way I got the offer for recruitment consulting from Lucas Film Studio is in Singapore.
The Power of Impossible Thinking
When Prof Jeffrey Wind of Wharton wrote this book on the Power of Impossible thinking, he surely would have hand the hindsight that this is one treatise for the job seekers.. Sceptics and Cynics are always a failure in the job search and career roadmap. To cover themselves up, they mask with some profound sounding philosophy. Those who want… will always get it.. Breaking geographical boundaries is the best and the easiest thing possible now. The virtual world is saner and one can have the choice of the company and associates. Always read and understand from the Recruiters perspective. These days I am in the thick of the search of Gaming Technology experts for the Lucas Arts Studio in Singapore. Honestly I had no clue even about the Gaming . The Google search threw the same few details.. I just went to discussion forum and posted my requirement but insisted that I do NOT want CV but candidates who indeed are passionate about Gaming and know what Lucas does. I just got a few sensible responses and was for sure heading for the disaster.. Till I read a wonderful article called Word of Mouth credibility. WOM is the phenomena so much relevant and decided to mentor the talents first to prepare them rather than be a CV pusher. After all I get my payment only when the candidates get selected. Started running Message board for this domain. The few candidates were so amazing delighted by the inputs and the excitement to get the assignment in Singapore Studio. It was then that I decided to use the WOM dynamics.. I had hardly 4 talents and needed some 19 of them.. It was the candidates who became my deputy Managers for the talent search. The result was that I got the quality and the finest genre of the Gaming experts who if not to the Singapore studio will be driven by me to the UK and Canadian gaming.
The best part was that I came across talents from Jordan, Vancouver, Pakistan and New Zealand.. The success mantra was that my online message boards was all about sharing and explaining the job market in the Gaming domain. Reciprocal instincts are there in every person.. What was sheer impossible a few months back is now a reality happening to be able to earn the same $$s sitting in India.. Who would like to live in Ohio’s snow laden streets . US is a great place to visit and not to live for sure. I may be wrong also.
I have today on my radar so many an experts who have made it to world class jobs. Just a decade back, they where slogging for WIPRO in Sonehadra district is now the President of the Ohio based MNC. It is not some stupid luck but was the conviction to break the barriers. Then a person with no formal Engineering or MBA from Bihar is now in a Californian financial Technology company . Best is one Arjun Tewari who did his a vanilla graduation in Ancient History like subjects having studied in village paathshala in Jaunpur is now in Germany working on real time telecom billing solution of Singl.eView solution. It just happened in 4 years.. Okay don’t believe me . I will get you the connects for your first hand validation
Moral : It is the skill and the skill alone that matters for the prospective recruiter . Paper degree and certificates after some time are redundant facts that really do not thrill . Skill can be acquired any time on self learning. There has to be passionate curiosity always of what is happening where and why. Yes got the job search site and do see the paper advertisement also.. But to never apply.. See the skillsets that are more contemporary and relevant. Acquire them.
References :
I am sharing the beneath resources that has surely benefited me will surely work as a catalysis. Because getting the job is not the issue. That everyone gets. But managing and growing in it the real challenge. With the new trend to work 5-6 years and become an entrepreneurs is what we call 7 year itch for a change.
i. The Nick Corcidilos : ASK THE HEADHUNTER (www.asktheheadhunter.com ) is book that will prepare the strategy of Job search to make the difference between a mere Job and Right Job . Make the pursuit more under control and predictable also
ii. Don’t Send a CV : Jeffrey J Fox is an exercise manual and laying down the rules of Job search to delight the Recruiter ( not the govt one and I do not recommend at all for Govt job pursuits.)
iii. The Success Principle by Jack Canfield http://www.thesuccessprinciples.com/book.html is book that will make you formidable when you understand the very concept of success is not the mere Job securing but becoming as asset to the workplace and the society.. Just cannot ignore this one excellent treatise
iv. Anthony Robbins “ Giant Steps : Small Changes to make a big Difference. This is daily tips that stimulate you for bigger role on self motivation. Make success become a habit . Excellent handbook for 365 days tips ..
v. Jerry Wind’s The Power of Impossible thinking (www.impossiblethinking.com ) is meant to make you stretch to reach out the global excellent places where you would rather be apprehensive to even think.
vi. Dr Spencer’s : Who Moved your Cheese is meant for you to change before the change happens.
vii. Dr Spencer’s The Present ( www.thepresent.com ) is meant for you to enjoy the working in the Present and let the tomorrow evolve . Have a larger picture of purpose of life than the mere job search. Learn from the Past but ensure that the Present is always full of smile and mirth – just everyday
viii. Bob Tasca : You will be Satisfied is meant for you to have the excellent practice of Business being customer centric to an obsession. That is the key to job success . Or maybe you plan to become an entrepreneur someday soon , then you know how to conduct.
ix. How to become a CEO – the Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organisation by Jeffrey J Fox This book is not to acquire some CEO label designation but develop an attitude to be the Team head and to SBU head .. Then chart your career path to indeed be the CEO
x. Secrets of Great Rainmaker by Jeffrey J Fox which gives for you to stand apart in your organisation who are the life line to organisation with cash inflow and better profits rather intelligently
xi. Bruce Tulgan’s : Managing the Talent War will keep you in a mode to adapt the new GenX managers are successfully doing to survive the job stress and change before the change happens
xii. The Pursuit of Wow! by Tom Peters : Unless the feeling of WOW is not there is what you do , think and practice also , things will not move with the desired impact and effect. Learn the best of Management practices from here and see it in your career and organisation context.
xiii. The 110% Solution: Using Good Old American Know-How to Manage Your Time, Talent, and Ideas (Hardcover) by Mark H. McCormack. The best practice to get the impact is tell that you would meet your client at 9.58 am and be there 2 minutes before.. He will remember and respect you all life.
xiv. Those who wish to be SBU Head as Business Development Manager (BDM ) : John Wood : Leaving Microsoft to change the world.. Apart from what is says , there is a close glimpse of how an SBU Head works and what is expected to achieve and perform with vision beyond work in the pursuit of setting up Libraries across the world for the poorest. How confident and sure is John Wood – the BDM to achieve what he has never done before.
xv. Winning : The Answers Jack Welch answers some tough Questions : Like Doing an MBA does it give any advantage in Career or What about tomorrow ?
Somethings are easy said than done and trust this little steroid dose will make the readers more of a thinking a person. Just recently watched the Prof Randy Pausch’s webcast. Prof Randy is from Carnegie Melon and Head of the Entrainment Technology Centre. He has 3 months to live with the advance stage of cancer.. He is just 47 . He shares it all.. I have the DVD and the web link.. The message of Prof Randy is all about enjoying and having a dream job run.. What and how he did is such a serious message for all of us when we all have the time in the world to impact others also .. In the process benefit yourself.
I would reserve to spell out more details in a more proactive Q/A session in the Pre Placement training.. The editor here has spelled out to remain confined to limited words lest it yawns many. I also hate them editing my paragraphs. Let’s see if this message reaches you intact and does the desired impact also.
With best wishes
RK Dhanvada