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IIITA's e-Magazine |
Oct-Dec 2007 Vol 4 Issue 15 |
Perspective |
by Vaibhav Misra MBA-IT 3rd Sem, IIIT-Allahabad |
Maryada Purshottam Ram !! Hey dude what the article relating to Lord Ram is doing here?? We already know about him very much….& so on. Dear friends this must be your initial reactions when you first saw this article’s title. And why not?? The Lord Ram’s life has been an epic example of being the ultimate follower of his Maryada’s or virtuosity. In many literary discussions and by many preachers various shades of Shri Ram’s life have been bring forward, but one special shade remained untouched for a long time. That shade is the Shri Ram’s Management Expertise.
Management Expertise of Shri Ram?? Hey!! I never really thought about it. Right Friends? This will be what you must be thinking now of. Interested to know the management’s shade of Shri Ram? Then continue with me forward.
Why I say Shri Ram as a Management Guru? This is due to the reason that I found him fulfilling every role of the best leader. Let me explain this. See, you must know that for being a good leader a person is weighted on main five characteristics i.e. Vision, Values, Strategy, Motivation and Credit. So let us critically evaluate Shri Ram on these listed characteristics.
For being a good leader, vision is the most important characteristic for him. Shri Ram’s vision is crystal clear. His vision is to remove injustice or ‘adharma’ and establish truth and justice in this world. He wants that every one under his rule does not have any difficulties. According to him, praja’s sorrow ness should come to his Raja or ruler. Let us assume in our case that if the Prime Minister and his other ministers are affected by our difficulties to such an extent that they take these as their part, then really various problems of our nation could have been solved.
Values define the pathway for fulfilling the Vision of the leader. Shri Ram’s whole life has been the collection of values. Values like following of Parent’s orders, humanity, and people caring, social equality are various examples that if you want to see at one goes then you must see Shri Ram’s character. Trust is the most important characteristic of the corporate world. This can be seen explicitly in the case of Bharat Milap session. In this session when Bharat come to take back Shri Ram to Ayodhya, Lakshman thinks that he came for killing Shri Ram and thus became ready for war. But Shri Ram shows his inseparable faith on Bharat and then we all know the great bonding between the brothers.. Similarly there are many examples relating to his value adherence.
As described by Valmikiji, I think that Shri Ram was himself capable enough to defeat Ravana. But he wanted to remove the fear of the rakshas or bad people from the common mass. Thus he forms the strategy of defeating Ravana with the military formed of monkeys and bears. Thus in a way he wanted to develop the feeling in the common mass that when these monkeys and bears can fight against the evil then why couldn’t they? In the great epic Ramayana we can see how Shri Ram utilized full capability of his military’s every member from forming of Ramsetu bridge to Lanka victory.
For every leader’s success it is very important that how much he can motivate the other persons. Not only Shri Ram but also his second line commanders of his group understood the importance of the motivation. The great example of this can be seen in the case how Jamvant make realize Hanuman of his immeasurable capabilities. Here Jamvant motivates Hanuman. The motivation factor itself enables Hanuman to perform the unthinkable tasks.
For me the greatness of the leader is defined by his credit giving system. A great leader is that which on the successful completion of a work gives the credit of it to his team members. Shri Ram from this perspective also proves to be a great leader. He gives his Lanka’s victory credit to his monkeys and bears military. By telling these persons to be more lovable than the Bharat also he establishes friendship and loyalty more important than kinship.
One great problem these days can be seen in the fact that top management often go through with the problem of getting right feedback. This is due to the reason that due to fear, even if the top management makes any mistake the persons under them will not tell them about the same. Shri Ram also knew this and thus he specifically tell the common masses to tell of his wrong doings.
If we dig some more into the life of Shri Ram and see the management aspect related to it then we can say that every part has some management perspective behind it. These are some of the reasons why I justify saying Shri Ram to be the Management Guru. Today there is a need that we youngsters come forward by taking the example of the management aspects of Shri Ram. Thus by this we will not only succeed in our career but also will help our nation progress by taking the values of Shri Ram in mind.