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IIITA's e-Magazine |
Oct-Dec 2007 Vol 4 Issue 15 |
Tehnova |
MBA-IT 1st Sem, IIIT-Allahabad
DNS or popularly known as Domain Name server is a set of protocols which translates IP addresses to numbers required for transmission of information across the network.
The protocols define the syntax and semantics for a query language to ask questions about information located by DNS-style names.
IP addresses are delegated by central Internet Registry to regional authorities and the network provider...Internet service providers apply to regional authorities for block of IP addresses which are in turn assigned by them to smaller Internet service provider and to end user.
The domain name space is constructed as a hierarchy such as Top Level Domain, Secondary Level Domain and so on of which almost 200 TLD’ s are managed by the Government. A root server system contains authoritative databases listing TLD’ s so that an internet message can be routed to its destination without which universal connectivity can’t be assured.
IP suite protocol contains numbers, port numbers, autonomous system numbers, management information base object identifiers and others. The common use of these protocols by the Internet community requires that the particular values used in these fields be assigned uniquely.
Internet is fast becoming an international medium for commerce, education and communication and thus a need for change arose
1. -There is widespread dissatisfaction about the absence of competition in domain name registration.
2. -Mechanisms for resolving conflict between trademark holders and domain name holders are expensive and cumbersome.
3. -Without changes, a proliferation of lawsuits could lead to chaos as tribunals around the world apply the antitrust law and intellectual property law of their jurisdictions to the Internet.
4. -Many commercial interests, staking their future on the successful growth of the Internet, are calling for a more formal and robust management structure.
Since the Internet is changing so rapidly, no one entity or individual can claim to know what is best for the Internet Nevertheless, some shared principles have emerged which can be given as:
1. Stability.
2. Competition
3. Private, Bottom-Up Coordination
4. Representation
Based on the above principles which have emerged out a proposal can be formulated as
Creation of a private, not-for-profit corporation to manage the coordinated functions in a stable and open institutional framework. It should operate as a private entity for the benefit of the Internet as a whole. The new corporation will be funded by domain name registries and regional IP registries Since the organization will be concerned mainly with numbers, names and protocols, its board should represent membership organizations in each of these areas, as well as the direct interests of Internet users.
The new corporation's processes should be fair, open and pro-competitive, protecting against capture by a narrow group of stakeholders. Its decision-making processes should be sound and transparent; the bases for its decisions should be recorded and made publicly available. Both registry and registrar functions could be operated on a competitive basis. Market driven systems result in innovation and greater consumer choice and satisfaction in the long run. In the future, directory services of various sorts will make it easy for users to find the sites they seek regardless of the number of top-level domains. Attempts to impose too much central order risk stifling a medium like the Internet that is decentralized by nature and thrives on freedom and innovation, a provision in the cooperative agreement regarding allocation of a portion of the registration fee to the Internet Intellectual Infrastructure Fund should terminate. Our goal is to seek as strong a consensus as possible so that a new, open, and accountable system can emerge that is legitimate in the eyes of all Internet stakeholders.