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IIITA's e-Magazine |
Oct-Dec 2007 Vol 4 Issue 15 |
X'pression |
Enigma of Life
MSC Statistics,
University of Lucknow
“If you limit your Choice only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is a Compromise.”
What is life? What are sentiments and what does failure and insignificance mean to us? Success and failure are two imposters, always showing us the mirage of contradictory images.
Love and relation are a conundrum that are appealing and makes us nostalgic without even giving us hint of what does they take away from us. An ocean of pain, an insignia of wounds and withering broken heart signifies Love.
Wild dreams, uncertain ambitions and a void that never allows us to settle down with comfort and soothing zephyr to breathe. What are we Humans living for some earthly gain; mundane affairs or just we live because others are living too. Life is not as we all perceive, it has a much more pertinent meaning. But as life taught us new lessons we discovered Destiny, a myth or a reality. It was quite perplexing for humans, as we took life as a cup of dreams and bed of roses. How can destiny maroon the future of humans, the master piece of The All Mighty .It was destiny called that made us think the way we are. With time we realized that we all were not blessed, as some good men were, an agonizing experience for a highly ambitious human. He Cried loud but none to avail his Prayers and mercy plea, even the God was not awakened from his slumber He wept an ocean of tears, no reciprocation from even the dead silence of the night. It was gloomy mourning for his emotions and even his ambitions were breathing their last breath. What an awful experience that even God did not solicited his plea to survive!
Life is an endless prowl to exist. Survival not only means ways of living but also the tireless human endeavour to reach ones goals.
Life is a journey full of crests and troughs; it gives us pain and modicum of joy. Humans have survived these apocryphal jolts and evolved through ages. But have we ever thought beyond this bitter truth, have we ever introspected about our life’s the answer is reciprocated by the whisper of our heart. We live to survive, make money to fill our stomach and our wanton desires, but great life transcends these boundaries. We have forgotten the old couplet that “Life should not be long but it should be great.”
An awful wonder strikes one night and our lives change. Such is the story that we don’t know what we perceive right may push us to our limits. No shoulders to give us support only a desire of relentless perseverance and dedication to achieve our ambitions keeps us living.
Life is so insipid that it takes away all the sap and what remains is the dull gloomy remains of the mortals!
A losing hope gives us strength; a tiring effort to live gives us power a belief in the Almighty shows us the Way. The winds are changing the course setting up the ante.
“Remember Fields are won by those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”
Oh GOD give us Wings of Fire to transcend all boundaries and emotions, To rise up to the Zenith to brighten all mortals, Bestow us all with Blessings. Give us hope to live lest not evil destiny maroon mans Dreams and Ambitions!
Crowded by Disbelief of success and failure we move forward with a knack to rule the roost with utmost courage fort knoxing our pain deep in the cockles of our hearts.
The old Cliché goes right “Life is lived forward but understood backward.”
Life is not the same, as we perceive it to be. We never understand the intricate nuances of our lives, Variegated by the volatile ever changing colours it marches ahead. As it is rightly said:
“The only thing I like about the stones coming in my way is that, once I pass through them they become my Milestone.”