JAN-MAR 2007 Vol 3 Issue12



Virtual Operating System


Moving to a new system or an upgraded one from existing one is really a tough task for the user. It includes an investment and a setup change which create problems for the users. To overcome such problems a new technology has recently been introduced i. e virtual operating system. The term virtualization in this sense means an operating system that can run multiple copies of other operating systems on top of it. This article will discuss some basic aspects of virtual operating system. 


Virtual operating system is a web application providing an environment of desktop operating system. Virtual operating system separates computing environments from their underlying operating systems. A virtual operating system has greater contact with the host operating system. This allows interactions between guest and host, which would be difficult or impossible with a virtual machine. In a virtual operating system, the client operating systems don’t have direct access to any of the hardware, although they think they do. That means that the system as a whole can be protected from any problems, intentional or not, generated by what’s running on the client OS. This feature is especially important to developers and others who routinely run less-than-stable stuff on their computers. 


VOS can control and distribute the processing power and storage capacities of multiple web based servers which are much faster than the normal personal computers. User’s avails the facility of web browsing on online virtual desktop from anywhere even he get access over operating system such as Linux, language and database. The big reason for the soaring interest in virtual operating systems is efficiency—specifically, the need to get the maximum utilization of servers in the enterprise. As IT environments have become more complex, servers have proliferated. You have mail servers, print servers, file servers, network servers, security servers, backup servers, and on and on and on. Most of those servers are designed to run on their own hardware and many of them don’t play well with others. Specifically, the performance of server software tends to deteriorate if you try to run more than one server on the same machine. Virtual operating systems allow consolidation of those software servers on fewer hardware servers, reducing costs and improving return on investment. 


Though the concept of virtual operating system is not new, vendors like IBM have offered the facilities of hardware sharing and virtualization for Windows is an superb concept though it haven’t came before as it gets hype in recent times and Microsoft to Intel are moving into the virtual OS business. There are some reasons because of which virtual OS was not recognized before. The main reason was that a virtual architecture eats resources. Earlier Windows systems usually didn’t have the processing power, I/O, and such to support virtualized Windows with reasonable performance in most applications and other one is that some peculiarities of the x86 architecture make a virtual OS difficult to implement. Also there was a commercial reason that there wasn’t an enormous demand for virtual machines on Windows systems.

Moreover group of people can ever share projects, files, e-mails and calendars. Operating system virtualization have certain advantages such as management benefits, including potentially fewer physical systems to care for, these technologies present management challenges as well.

Overall we can say it is a complete enterprise solution.


by Shubh Mittal & Rahul Jain, MBA IT, IIITA.


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