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A Monthly e-Magazine
I Issue III
![]() STUDENTS WIN LAURELS AT THE TECHNO-MANAGEMENT FEST HELD IN THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, GWALIOR Second Semester MBA-IT students participated in the techno-management fest "Infotsav 2005", held at the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior. The All India fest featured an eclectic mix of teams from some of the best technical and management institutions of the country, notable among them being IIT-Kanpur, Delhi College of Engineering, NITIE Mumbai, IIFT Delhi, Nirma Ahmedabad, Goa Institute of Management and of course the hosts. Against formidable odds, the IIIT-A team performed brilliantly and kept the IIIT flag fluttering high and handsome. The team comprising of Shakil Ahmad, Sachin Kumar Singh, Jayant Sahu and Abhinav Johri won prizes in Analyst-The Case Study Contest(1st Prize), Biz Papyrus-The Paper Presentation Contest(2nd Prize), Enigma-The IT Quiz(2nd Prize) and many other events. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND SENSOR NETWORKS A two day national seminar on 'Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks'
was organized from March 2-6, 2005 within the institute premises. The
Conference, sponsored by IEEE, UP Chapter, IIT Kanpur, was attended by
some of the most renowned scientists and technologists in this field from
India and abroad. Eminent speakers from University of Texas USA, IIT Kanpur,
IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee, DAC&IT Gandhinagar, IIITM Gwalior, NIT
Kurukshetra, NIT Hamirpur, IIIT Pune and Anna University, Chennai participated
in the conference. The conference was inaugurated by Prof. S.L. Maskara
from the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication
Technology. The Key-Note Address was delivered by Prof. Sajal K. Das,
Director, Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN),
Lectures delivered concentrated on wireless technology freeing telecommunication from many constraints of traditional communication. Recently the evolution has turned into a revolution with mobile telecommunication embracing data services and internet access. The dream of communication technologies and researchers to have anytime, anywhere communication has now come true. The misuse of wireless technology and challenges of security in wireless communication which need to be solved to enhance the quality and scope of services in wireless, mobile communications, were discussed at length.
2005 Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
by Graffiti Studios IIITA