IIIT A Monthly e-Magazine
Volume I Issue III
March 2005
Jest Corner
The Team
Help Me
Students Win Laurels At The Techno-Management Fest Held In The Indian Institute Of Information Technology And Management, Gwalior ..........National Conference On Wireless Communications And Sensor Networks




Help Me

You can mail in your contributions for the forthcoming issue of the magazine at b_cognizance@iiita.ac.in. , latest by the 28th of each month. The solutions to CaseCading and VolteFace though can be submitted by the 30th of every month.

Remember, we invite articles related to, but not by any means restricted to Management and Information Technology.

For the Brain Wave section articles are invited from the Corporate world and Faculty of top Management Institutes (both India and Abroad).

For the X’pressions section, articles are welcome from students and faculty at IIIT-A.

For the Perspectives section, contributions on contemporary issues are solicited from students of all Management institutions from India and abroad.

For all you tech-savvy people around we have the technova section, where you can contribute by sending in technical articles.

Our new section "Jest Corner" contains articles of humorous genre ...be it a short story, poem,....gossips ..or simply anything humorous to keep the readers interested.

Contributors should include 30-50 words introducing themselves. We also invite photographs of our contributors, though this is not mandatory. We also humbly urge our esteemed contributors to follow copyright rules and provide generous acknowledgements and attributions. We are all aware of the difficulties of copyright protection with regard to material on the web.

So go ahead and contribute generously to all of these sections, catering to your likes and tastes………………………………

For any other queries and help, feel free to contact the b-cognizance team anytime 24hrs at b_cognizance@iiita.ac.in. We will be delighted to respond to your queries down the line.


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