Detecting an Advanced Persistent Threat

Today the threat landscape has changed. Hackers and scammers have grown smarter. Organizations these days face a much larger threat: Advanced Persistent Threat. There is no rulebook for hackers to break into a system. However an organization must ensure they follow a security and monitoring framework which ensures all the boundaries and threat areas a


When heart bleeds and shells shock!!

In the past couple of months, many security bugs have shaken the cyber world to its very core. Some of these are said to be present and being exploited by attackers for many months and even years. While some need expert knowledge to exploit, you can exploit one attack on you own laptop. It does


Ethical Hacking

The term “Hacker” has two different meanings in the computer industry. Traditionally it is defined as “A geek who enjoys learning the computer systems in depth and how to increase their functionality” or “the one who enjoys doing programming and exploring new things in the computer system, either mechanically or electronically”. While on the other


Big Data – Bigger Risk

Big data analytics is among the current top three concerns of IT leaders, other important areas being IT Security and Mobile Device Management. With increasing thrust of organizations for catering more information, the size of data to be handled is getting bulkier. The idea of ‘Big data’is not mere expansion of traditional database but a


Information security : A Paramount concern of organisations

“The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.” – Stephen Hawking With the changing business dynamics and the alignment of the business goals with the information technology to have a single integrated holistic governance and management structure,