JAN-MAR 2007 Vol 3 Issue12






Sahaja yoga, the unique meditation is provided by her holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ji.

For the betterment of the whole human race in this era, Sahajayoga is the only scientifically approved and fully practical method of becoming one with god and attain self realization.

From the ancient time when the life on earth started we know that there is a unique supreme power which is known as god (Generator, Observer, Destroyer), Allah, Ishwar, Waheguru , Holy Father, Adishakti etc. in different religions, but actually it is the same power known by different names only. According to sahaj, God is one but from time to time God comes on earth in the form of “Avatars” (an incarnation in human form) to preach the required lessons to the whole human race.

 Today (the Kalyug) everybody in the whole world is fighting to prove him and his religious path the best, but it is only sahajayoga who provides the way and proof to the fact that God is one but its incarnations come on earth to fulfill the particular assigned jobs to show the future path to the mankind. Everybody is in the search of god, roaming here and there, but very few people are able to find the god, which is living within our own self at particular places as the deity of the particular chakra. Although we can’t see  god with naked eyes but once we become the realized soul through sahaj, we can feel the presence of god and His powers within us. 

Initially when God created the earth for us he created Lord Ganesha for us who could provide us the innocence and wisdom to understand the life and nature. And in our body’s subtle system he is the master of our first chakra named mooladhara this is one of the reason why we worship lord Ganesha first before starting any good work. Its position in our body is just below our genitals and just above our excretion way, it is the chakra which controls all our genital and excretion functions, lord Ganesha is the deity of mooladhar (mool ka aadhaar) chakra and stays there as the guard of our primordial mother Kundalini. So, to initiate the Kundalini Shakti we have to become innocent first to worship lord Ganesha and only by his grace our internal energy, the kundalini rises..

Swadhisthaan is our second chakra whose deities are Lord Brahma and Maa Saraswati who provide the creativity, knowledge and moral ethics to live life. It is the swadhisthaan chakra which converts fat cells into brain cells. Its position is just below the place where we tie the belt in abdomen. So, by opening of this chakra humans become wiser. 

After getting the knowledge and creativity the next need of humanity was the religion which inspires humans to be social and theist, so our third chakra, the Nabhi, whose deities are lord Vishnu and Maa Lakshmi, is opened. This chakra is situated in the stomach at the naval point. Its qualities are self mastery, religiousness and learning to give to others. 

 As we know, religion cannot spread on its own, so we need some gurus or teachers. Also to cover our nabhi charka and to keep the religion intact and sacred as it can easily be affected by the negative forces in the surroundings in our subtle system. So we have a void around our nabhi chakra. This void is the place of the ten realized gurus who establish the guru tatva in our subtle system. To explore the world we need knowledge and to fulfill this need,  God sent ten realized gurus in the world, who spread the religion of mankind in the whole world. Their names are: 

S. NO.






10,000-16,000 B.C.




2000 B.C.




1300 B.C.




1000 B.C.




604 B.C.




551 B.C.




469 B.C.




570 A.D.




1469 A.D.




1856 A.D.



After evolution of these three chakras humans got to know how to live but god thought it was time to preach humans the value part and he took avatar on earth in the form of lord Rama to open our forth chakra, the Anahata. It is our forth chakra the heart chakra which is the place of Lord Rama and Maa Durga who preaches us the value of maryada, to live a faithful life and to stay away from sins. It was lord Rama who came on earth to set the role model for humans for the best son, best husband, best father and best king. In our subtle system anahata chakra is situated in heart and lungs, and its qualities are security and compassion. 

When the life on earth moved ahead, god felt the need for giving the lesson of diplomacy so that  people can use their communication skills also, so he took avatar in the form of Lord Krishna who opened our fifth chakra named Vishuddhi.

He set the benchmark for the diplomacy, how to convince every body in any situation.

Vishuddhi chakra’s place in our body is in throat and its qualities are charisma and communication skills. 

Further when humanity entered into Kalyug it was time to preach forgiveness so that we can resolve our matters of ego by forgiving each others sins. God in the form of Jesus Christ took birth on earth and opened our sixth energy centre named Aganya; it is situated at optic chiasma in brain. Its deities are Gautam Buddha, Lord Mahaveera and Jesus Christ. And its qualities are forgiveness and humanity.


On 21stof March in 1923 on the day of equinox at exact 12 pm to give the balance to whole humanity our Mother Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ji took birth, and on 5th of May in 1970 she rediscovered the unique method of meditation Sahajayoga by opening our 7th energy centre, it is the day when the concept of tension became known to us. This is an ancient knowledge which existed from the time of our Vedas, but at that time this realization was only transferred on a one to one basis, for e.g. whoever was a realized soul knew this process, and would only transfer this knowledge to his best single student or shishya. But after Shri Mataji attained realization in 1970, she made it possible to pass the knowledge to the masses. So it is our seventh chakra known as sahasrara which is located at the limbic area in brain and its qualities are peace and enlightment opened by our mother. As we know, this is the time of Kalyug and it’s the time when hatred is reaching its peak, it is only the power of love by which we may surpass this hatred and it is time when only realized people will be able to survive this crucial time by attaching with the power of love and will achieve there life’ ultimate goal, moksha. So try to do meditation and become one with the power of god to get rid of tension initially and ultimately to attain moksha, the nirvana, the truth. 

“Self Realization is the first encounter with Reality”

 "Freedom is when you really get your powers which are within you in your central nervous system and in your conscious mind, you must feel the existence of the spirit”

“Meditation is the only way you can grow… because when you meditate, you are in silence. You are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place"


by Vijay K Chandra, Sahaj Yoga Practitioner.


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