IIIT A Monthly e-Magazine
Volume I Issue V
June - July 2005
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The first few issues of B'Cognizance were received with interest from all. B'Cognizance the official publication of the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India has been published continuously since November' 2004. The magazine helps the readers stay abreast of everything related to Management and Information Technology on a single platform. It is our endeavor to feature a rich repository of knowledge every subsequent issue.

We believe that this magazine is a magazine of all, for all and by all. Thus, we seek the participation of every individual from India and outside the country. We highly appreciate and encourage a distant voice. Read our magazine. Most knowledge that appear in B'Cognizance is assigned, so the best way to break into the magazine is to submit your fresh articles with the subject matter catering to our ever evolving readers.

This issue of B'Cognizance brings to you thoughts on the Role of HR in the 21st century by Ms. Vijaishri Tiwari, Faculty Associate, IIIT-A. Ms.Armina Fareed talks about the changing role of India in International Trade. One of the key issues are the intellectual property rights in the new information order discussed by Dr. Gunmala Suri. In the technical front Mr. Gaurav Gupta in the Board of Directors, World Transhumanism Association talks about futurism and transhumanism to overcome some of our basic biological limits......... this issue further along with discussions on points to ponder on the sensitive issue of reservation in the private sector........ includes case studies and recent happenings around the world and inside our own campus.

We would like the articles published here to initiate a serious exercise of introspection within the academic and corporate community and eventually lead to new directions into which the Institute will surge ahead in the years to come.

Our promotional team will be approaching you in the near future, if we haven't already done so, for sharing the pleasure of making the magazine, an experience that is satisfying.

Together let us make small beginnings in sowing, cultivating and harvesting knowledge. Let us fill this land again today and rejuvenate its power to produce knowledge that is........new, authentic and meaningful !!

Happy Reading !! ……..from the Editorial Desk


© 2005 Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
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