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Ai Monthly e-Magazine
I Issue III
"The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late" -- Seymour Cray What you are going to read is not any novel idea that i am proposing. Its just sharing some information to those who might be interested in it. Its an old secret :-). Well many of you must have heard of the BUFFER-OVERFLOW exploits. Some of you must already be knowing what they are. But i am pretty sure that a small percent of the geeky population in the world would actually write an entire BUFFER-EXPLOIT from the scratch. It requires heavy time and effort and is highly dependent on the architecture and memory organization of the target platform. I have also just run some existing scripts available on the net to see how this entire theory gets working in practise. So i thought maybe sharing the theory with you guys who are not aware of it. This article is just a jist of the big picture and i shall give you references to atleast 2 good articles (outdated but informative) based on this subject. This article assumes that we are working on Intelx86 CPU. As i said the 'BUFFER-OVERFLOW' technique is highly dependent on the architecture and memory organization of the target platform. Now coming to the MEMORY; it is divided into 3 parts: a. Text - that area of the memory where the readonly(s) and executables
reside ---------------------- higher memory address STACK ---------------------- DATA ---------------------- TEXT ---------------------- lower memory address Now how many of you have heard the term 'FRAME' ? I 'think' most of you would not have, but those who have tried some system level project(s) would have surely hit upon this term (ooh wait ! .. i guess in compilers course this thing is discussed isn't it ? ... i did not study anything for that subject during my college days :-d). All of you would have used functions/methods while writing your C/C++ programs right ?. Each invoked/called function has a portion on the stack which is called as Frame/Activation-record. The Frame contains information pertaining to 'return addresspointer', 'arguments that were passed into the function', 'address of the previous functions data'. So in short the stack consists of such logical stack FRAMES that are pushed when calling a function and popped when returning. I am just referring to non-inline functions that are invoked. For functions that are 'inline' there are no stack operations performed and they are expanded inline at compile time (similar to MACROS which are expanded inline at preprocessor time, which takes place before compile time). Local variables in the function are always allocated into registers when
possible. When there are no registers available they are pushed onto the
stack. Why is this done so ? - Registers < Stacks < Cache < Disk
I/O is the order in which they get rated when it comes to access-time.
Register access is the fastest. And it is for this very reason that the
number of local variables that are used within functions should be kept
to the bare minimum as possible. If possible you must reuse local variables
using the preprocessor directives (#define, #undef). So when the local
variables go on the stack they also become part of the So typically in a function call your stack (Intel stacks grow downwards ... ADDing the stack pointer = POP .... SUBtracting the stack pointer = PUSH) would look like this: <bottom of memory> Now since the FRAME is organised such that the local data resides at
a lower address region than the 'return addresspointer', overflowing the
buffer with enough data will overwrite the critical 'return and what does he overwrite it with ? .... simple ! ... overwrite it with
an address that points to a location residing inside the executable code
just written (remember the executable code he wrote into the TEXT area
right ?). And this way he can execute any arbitary code on this system
to which he has access to. In some cases the attacker overwrites the 'return
addresspointer' with an address that points to an executable
1. 'Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit' -- 2. Apache 'Chunk Handling' Vulnerability |
2005 Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
by Graffiti Studios IIITA