JUL-SEP 2007 Vol 3 Issue14




by Vijay K Chandra
MBA(IT), IIIT Allahabad, Sahaj Yoga Practitioner


Carbon atom is known as basic element of life on the earth. All the organic chemistry starts from carbon atom and so as the human life. Initially it is the atomic theory which gives the significance of elements existence. Vedic civilization was highly advanced is proved by our legends. The sages that oversaw its development, through their mystic insight and deep meditation, discovered the ancient symbols of spirituality: Aumkara and Swastika.

 Not only Every Indian but all the world knows about these two sacred symbols the aumkara and the swastika and there power from very ancient time, but till today no body becomes able to know from where these sacred symbol came into existence .Even Christianity  the religion claims for the two Greek sacred words said by Jesus Christ like “I am the Alpha and I am the Omega” means I am the starting and I am the ending , so” I am the god “ which he proves also by taking rebirth three days after his crusification. In western world also no body knows from where these two holy words came the alpha and the omega. It only depicted and teached to all sahajyogis by her holiness shri mataji nirmala deviji, as from where these four sacred symbols came into existence.

 It is the carbon atom which has in its atomic view all the secrets. To make you understand let me first describe what is a carbon atom chemically. Carbon is an element of the periodic table comes with an Atomic no. of 6 and mass no. of 12. It have the valences (the active sites) 4 in number. In carbon atom the electrons occupy four tear drop shaped clouds in a tetrahedron-like arrangement. These clouds represent the areas in which the electrons spend most of their time. They move so rapidly in this zone that they form a cloud rather than a specific flight path. Recently after a number of researchers have suggested that within these clouds exist specific zones that the electrons favor. These zones form a spiral around the surface of each of the tear drop shaped clouds.

The electron's high probability zone formed spiral standing waves around the carbon atom's nucleus. When this configuration was viewed from certain angles the physicist was surprised to find that the spirals formed recognizable symbols.

In the first view a 3–dimensional Aumkara could be seen. From a different angle that Aumkara became a flat, 2-dimensional Swastika. The Swastika, he concluded, was actually 2-D representation of the 3-D aumkara.

Rotating the model to another angle shows those symbols change into the Greek Alpha and Omega. At a cosmic level the symbols of Eastern spirituality (Aumkara and Swastika) are literally and only different aspects of the same spiritual truth that is also represented by the symbols of Western spirituality (Alpha and Omega).

All people, objects and even energy itself are expressions of the same divinity that so many religions, cultures and philosophies have tried to claim exclusively as their own.  The Carbon atom, by containing within it these universal symbols, demonstrates that matter is a manifestation of the same Divine consciousness experienced by the saints and sages of all history. Matter is innately spiritual.

Thus the distinction between Eastern and Western spirituality, like any division based on race, culture or belief, is no more than ignorance of the true spiritual nature of the universe and all that exists within it.

For more information you can log on to www.sahajayoga.org

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