JUL-SEP 2007 Vol 3 Issue14



Cyber Terrorism: The Concept and Modes and Measures to control it
by Vineet Gavri
, IIM Bangalore


Geographical Information System: An Overview
by Mr Sunit Raj, GIS Professional, USA


Cabinet Clears Merger of AI and Indian Airlines
Pankaj Prasun Jha,  Abhinav Kumar Chaturvedi, Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University


The Great Indian Retail Boom: An Overview
by Vishnu Garg, MBA (IT), IIIT Allahabad


Supply Chain Management for Agricultural Products: An Overview
by Pulastya Roy, MBA (IT), IIIT Allahabad


Disclaimer : The views expressed in the articles are author’s own. B’Cognizance or IIITA is not liable for any objections arising out of the same. The matter here is for academic use only.

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