JUL-SEP 2007 Vol 3 Issue14




by Pawandeep Singh
B Tech, 5th sem, IIITA

Deep inside our human hearts we have a desire to reap rich dividends even out of the most trivial of our occupations. Be it passing a smile to a stranger or doing the most difficult favour to our beloved friends. Everything is fine till our relationships enjoy the spring of warmth and affection, but the moment the tribulations begin we humans start asking for the interest that our activities should accrue according to our own valid mathematics.

So when the complicated balance of our accounts goes haywire, we are knocked off our cosy bed and nearly go berserk asking for that credit which we think we deserve. We start believing in the absoluteness of our right to recognition and suddenly the man who was a quiet and pacifist being all along is transformed into a war-mongering politician. Let’s analyse how to rid ourselves of the wrong notion of recognition or credit.

The answer to this seemingly difficult exercise lays in the realisation that credit or recognition is not a man-made commodity. And for the very same reason it is imprudent to seek it from those who themselves clamour for it. No man can recognise another's work or job, for the worth of one's work is an absolute that has its own existence, whether or not it is recognized.

Countless humans were responsible for the revolutions that we today admire and countless were those who in some way contributed to the thoughts of Newton and Einstein. Does anyone have the capability to reward these anonymous men and women? None. And that’s the answer to the riddle. No man can value work or art or as a matter of fact, any intellectual creation in the world. This is precisely because the arbiter of all our deeds is the Almighty Lord who gives credit and recognition as he deems necessary.

I am no preacher or saint but I always feel that one should dedicate one's activities to the Divine Power that created us for only He can judge us and He alone can give us that elusive golden egg called “Credit”.

Disclaimer : The views expressed in the articles are author’s own views B’Cognizance or IIITA is not liable for any objections arising out of the same. The matter here is solely for academic use only.

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