
Cyber stalking ..

Nitin Bhatnagar

Cyber stalking –Preying on a victim by means of Internet and computer is known as cyber stalking.

Online harassment of People by E-mail or Online is a serious issue. They are watched in each and every work they perform so privacy has no means in their life. The internet mirrors the real world. That means it also reflects real life & real people with real problems. Although it is rare, Cyber stalking does occur. Cyber Stalking usually occurs with women, who are stalked by men, or children who are stalked by adult predators. A cyber stalker does not have to leave his home to find, or harass his targets, and has no fear of physical violence since he believes he cannot be physically touched in cyberspace. He may be may be on the other side of the earth or a neighbor or even a relative! And a stalker could be of either sex.

What does a cyber stalker look like?

Cyber stalkers can be divided into 3 types.

·         Vindictive Nature type Cyber stalker

·         Delusional Disorder Type Cyber stalker

·         Obsessional Cyber stalker


·         Vindictive Nature type Cyber stalker

These cyber stalkers are angry at their victim due to some minor reason- either real or imagined. Typical examples are disgruntled employees. These stalkers may be stalking to get even & take revenge and believe that "they" have been victimized. Ex-spouses can turn into this type of stalker.

·         Delusional Disorder Type Cyber stalker

The next type is the delusional stalker. They may be suffering from some mental illness like schizophrenia etc & have a false belief that keeps them tied to their victims. They assume that the victim loves them even though they have never met. A delusional stalker is usually a loner & most often chooses victims who are married woman, a celebrity or doctors, teachers, etc.. Those in the noble & helping professions like doctors, teachers etc  are at often at risk for attracting a delusional stalker. Delusional stalkers are very difficult to shake off.

·         Obsessional Cyber stalker

The common obsessional stalker refuses to believe that their relationship is over. Do not be misled by believing this stalker is harmlessly in love.

What motivates a cyber stalker?

·         Sexual Harassment

This should not surprise anyone, especially women, since sexual harassment is also a very common experience offline. The internet reflects real life & consists of real people. It's not a separate, regulated or sanctified world. The very nature of anonymous communications also makes it easier to be a stalker on the internet than a stalker offline 

·         Obsession for love

This could begin from an online romance, where one person halts the romance and the rejected lover cannot accept the end of the relationship. It could also be an online romance that moves to real life for break-up once the persons really meet and then the person can not accept the ‘NO’. Sometimes, this obsession stalking can even start from real life and then move over to cyberspace

·         Revenge & Hate.

This could be an argument that has gone out of hand, leading eventually to a hate & revenge relationship.

So, how would you protect yourself?

A cyber stalker looks for weaknesses in people. He or she is cunning & crafty.  People looking for sympathy or wanting to make friends, find romance online etc are an open invitation to many types of stalkers.

NO ONE has a right to harass, threaten and disturb you. Once harassment becomes a  threat against you, then the harasser has also broken the law and there are a number of steps you CAN take to deal with it including taking help of the Police department. Trying to work out what you have "done" to deserve this will get you nowhere - the attack or harassment will often appear as motiveless and you may have difficulty understanding the psychology of the harasser. With some kinds of online harassment it is better not to waste time trying to work out "why" and to concentrate rather on what you can do to protect yourself & how to end this nightmare. 

Kids & Teens: You must tell your parents immediately! If you feel threatened by someone that you know your parents wouldn't want you talking to in the first place, you MUST overcome your fears of "getting in trouble" for admitting you were talking to them, and tell your Parents that you're in trouble

Adults: Tell your spouse and family, and be prepared for an uphill battle, as many states do not have cyber stalking laws in effect yet.

Don't ever reply to provocative e-mails if you get them.  Don't respond to flaming or get provoked online.