
For a long time, Indian software industry has been based on the labor cost arbitrage model. That is, if a software developer is paid X dollars per month in a developed country, an Indian software engineer would be paid a fraction for the same job. This model has served Indian software companies well and hence they have thrived over the last decade Continue.......


The growth of the Internet as a medium of transaction has made possible an economic transformation in which commerce is becoming electronic. The critical factors of success for every commercial entity to implement and operate an electronic business mechanism are money flow; material flow and authentication information flow. The majority of trust theories are built upon the basis that there is a history of exchanges between partners i.e. past experiences, but the fluid nature of e-commerce market makes the issue of trust hard because of the weakness to scale the reliability of participants Continue.......


What really electricity means to us? Electricity is the form of energy. It is the flow of electrical Power . Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy. We get electricity, which is a secondary energy source, from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources Continue.......

Welcome to the world of phi……..
              Phi (=1.61803398874949……) most often is pronounced as fi is simply an irrational number like pi(=3.1415926…..) .and that is where the similarity and that is where the similarity between the two numbers ends, because it is the one with many unusual mathematical properties Continue.......


Apes – the human beings ancestors had tails of many kinds, long, short, twisted and straight. During the evolution the tails disappeared, are we going to witness the same in today’s “Digital World”. Which tail is going to disappear now? Chris Anderson coined the term "The Long Tail," in his Wired magazine column and that is also the title of his book. The Long Tail describes the region of the item "popularity curve" Continue.......

What sort of brand is your shirt, is it peter england, excalibur or oxemberg? This is a question we often come across when ever we buy a new shirt. Why is this brand name so important to people Brands today are generally recognized as a key asset for creating value for a business Continue.......

With growing competition among his organizations, they all are trying to move with a strategy, which is dominating and making their position strong. That’s why we can correlate it with different games we play like chess, poker, cards and many others where the situations and positions are changing variably and here the interest of a stubborn mathematician lies who always tries to win with a formulized moves and not with just intuition and skill. And that is the birth of GAME THEORY. Continue.......

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