The greatest worship to God is service to humanity .Love to human beings is better than all other religions. So humanism and human rights become a key factor in the developing intellectual society .What shall we say of Indian society and still more importantly how can we hope our country to evolve towards the goal of universal justice. To answer these crucial questions the very concept of social justice and human rights have to be clarified .Human Rights is not an afterthought that can be added or subtracted at will from any particular social system but in all presently existing post feudal economic systems. The UN viewed “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” as the first step in the formulation of an “international bill of rights” that would have legal as well as moral face. It recognizes freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, to right to peaceful assembly and of emigration and freedom of association. Of course in the matter of human rights, all countries of the world are at the best at the developing stage. In fact if we look round the world we find instances of blatant discrimination between human beings and violation of basic human rights. Racial discrimination, women’s inequality, growing role of crime are still affecting millions of people in the most advanced, affluent and the developed countries of the world.
The Indian constitution covers almost the entire field of the UN declaration and seeks to ensure both the traditional, civil, political rights and the new economic social rights. The poor too have civil, political rights and the Rule of thumb is meant for them also, though today it exists only on paper and not in reality. Courts are not meant for the rich, for the well-to-do, for the gentry, for the land-lord, for the business magnate and the industrial tycoon but they also exist for the poor and the down-trodden, the have-nots and the handicapped and the half hungry millions of our countrymen. The time has now come when the courts must become courts for the poor and the struggling masses of the country. The role, values, sub-culture, recruitment and training of the police must be deeply reformed. They must become people’s police especially for the poorest and the weakest. It is moreover necessary to organize core- groups within each profession to awaken each profession to human rights.
I would like to end with two quotations. “The future of the human rights in this country is tied to their being championed by the common people, various organisations, action groups, profession and individuals assume their full significance only in the context of an overall people’s struggle for human rights. The second quotation is from UN charter: We the people of UN determined to reaffirm faith in the fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.
I hope that above few words has created greater awareness about human rights and depend their faith. Still more importantly may it inspire, enlightened and committed action.
Submitted By:
Ayushi Tewari
IIIT Allahabad