Monthly Archives: April 2015

Below The Black Visor

Sunsets turning the blue sky red,
slowly the black visor is drawn.
Accompanied with colour of ambiguity, hiding the dusk,
leaving longings for dawn.

Why breeze of morning called cold wave of night?
Sweet chirping of morning birds is called night’s bad omen
Silence of old church in morning is called serenity,
But its visit at night is forbidden.

How is this colour of ambiguity composed I wonder,
relating clouds to joyous rains in morning,
and night with thunder .

Why sleep is to night
and energy to bright?
Why devils to dark
and angels to light?

What is beneath the black visor
which turns good to evil someone unveil
and tell whether its an astonishing truth,
or just another tale.


Apurva Srivastava

IBM2012041 (Mtech Biomedical Engineering)

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