The great Mark Twain once said that in India there is no time for tea since all time is for tea only, which certainly was a comment on the lazy behaviour of Indians , doing nothing but drinking tea only. Tea was once considered as a drink of royal clan , tea was especially
Category Archives: BizWiz
Tips for effective Email Marketing
Market Identification  Email marketing is consider to be the most economical way of creating the first touch among the potential customers ,Its time saving also as bulk impressions can be created using this approach. Before starting this practice the marketer should be clear about their list of potential customers if possible should segment them on
Changing Indian Consumers & their appetite for premiumization
Just two decades back, the people were happy with Parle-G as a biscuit,Nirma as a washing powder and a tooth-powder or even daatun, for cleaning their teeth. But with every passing day, their needs and aspirations are changing. The anthropologist’s may say this is normal because as species evolve, consumer tastes also evolve, but the
THINK THINK THINK- Six Thinking Hats
Rule number one- NEVER LOSE MONEY Rule number two- REMEMBER RULE NUMBER ONE. The basics of doing business depends upon such words. Many companies do some role playing activities within the organisation to find the loop hole, the point from where they are losing the money. One such exercise is 6 thinking hats in which